August 17, 2014
Hard Rock Cafe
Atlanta GA
So, I no longer participate in regional IBC competitions in Florida due to having so many friends and clients that a conflict of interest could be perceived at almost any competition. But, I really like fulfilling a role in a process and totally enjoy hearing so much new music by so many new groups, so I took it 'out of state' this year. Last month in Birmingham AL and yesterday at the Atlanta Blues Society. And guess what? Bridget Kelly Band, a client AND a member of my home blues society shows up to compete! Yes, it wasn't planned, and they were driving up to fill a hole in the competition by a last minute cancellation by a competing band due to a family medical issue. So, the executive order came down that I would sit out the band competition, and participate in the youth and solo/duo panel. Good enough for me! And, I did get to eat a full meal, not just 2/3 of one - Thanks George!
Maybe if I ask nicely, a Canadian Society will let me judge up there next year. That might be far enough away to avoid conflicts!
Anywise-ways, it was a great day of music and friendly people. Lots of new friends, a bunch of old ones, and totally a good time. Drive up was a breeze (421 miles for those that are counting), arrived early, great parking across the street, introductions to the other judges, get comfortable, and then seven hours of great music.
PS - please remember the video clips are NOT professional production - they are simply quick glimpses into what you are missing if you are not at the show...
Heading north, into the dark of night on that ribbon of highway known as "75". |
Big City! Mark & Marcia... We know you are in there somewhere! |
Destination! |
All- pro staff here too! |
And the band(s) played on.... |
A good day for the blues! |
The details...and I'll tell you they did a great job of keeping to the schedule! THANK YOU! |
A roomful of happy people! |
Mr. M.C. (Black Jack) taking a break from Ridin' The Blues Train, Every Tuesday 6am - 8am, on! |
Doing a GREAT job of making sure everything is "just right'! |
Joshua Jacobson Duo |
Bluebird Falls |
Veronika Jackson |
Blind Cadillac (Jeremy Neese and David Pippin - Winners of the Solo/Duo category of today's competition) |
Mudbone Turner's Blues Band |
Didn't make on this trip... darn! |
Pat Hudson, Bridget Kelly & Bill Hudson - More Memphis Reunion!
Catch Pat & Bill Monday Morning "Good Morning Blues" show on WRFG 89.3FM, Atlanta and
streaming at www.WRFG.ORG! |
Hey Boss Man(s)! George Kine (Atlanta Blues Society Pres) and Richard L'Hommedieu |
Mike Bourne & Atlanta Boogie |
JP Blues Band - Winners of today's competition in the band category. |
The Bridget Kelly Band, dual resident contenders from George/Atlanta! And, the reason I only judged the youth and solo/duo categories today! |
Esteemed Judges, and a 2/3rds judge.... L-R: Tom Dausner (Event & Concert Photography),
Charlie (Jazz & Blues Florida), David Leonard (Reveal Audio Services), and Suz Holmes (Booking Agent) |
Yes, indeed, MUSIC happened here! |
~ ~ ~
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