Well, no apologies here!
Great music, great times!
Bill Rabon takes the vocals... |
Notice the intricate fingering here.... |
OUTTA BOSTON'S!....Nice sign! Does anyone ever go to this place other than for feed when something is happening elsewhere? |
If you don't recognize this it is time for you get out a bit more! |
Kinda feels like home, eh? |
Kilmo, of Alligator Alley fame, does the bass at Elwoods.. |
JP remains focused....Kilmo focuses elsewhere... |
Mr. Saxman! Great sound, but who are you? |
Ok, we just like this photo that is kinda equipment orientated... |
Davee's guit.. see detailed portfolio at myspace.com/orangedoor |
George Lily doing what he loves, as you can see! |
Bill, Mario, and Mark#1 study the blues... |
Bill, Mario, and Mark#1 study the blues...
Bill Rabon, Mario LaCasse, and FAMOUS FRANK fend off the adoring fans and fanette long enough to pose for pic. |
Bob Taylor over in the corner behind the guitars makes sure everyone knows he is there even if we can't see him! |
Bill assumes "attack mode" on the bass. |
Yes, indeededo, Mr. Mario. |
Look! It is Cliff, JP, and Kilmo! |
Can anyone say... LOST IN BOSTON? |
FAMOUS FRANK (notice how we have come to always CAPITALIZE this?) & George HAVING TOO MUCH FUN. |
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