Monday, February 2, 2015

An important message and call for action - $38Mil Funding Cut for Arts Proposed by FL Governor

Two Action Issues -- Please take action on both this week.

#1:  The Governor recommends $5 million for Cultural and Museum Grants in his proposed budget compared to $43 million approved by the legislature for this current year.  

     Also, according to Dr. Jim Zingale with Capitol Hill Group, there is $1.5 billion in the Governor's proposed budget in non-recurring dollars that have not been allocated.  It is critical that all arts and culture advocates please follow through on the 

It will be the Florida Legislature that will recommend FY 2015-2016 appropriations for arts and cultural grants. They must hear from you NOW.  
 Please follow through on this simple letter-writing action request

#2:  Arts Education in Jeopardy:  
From Americans for the Arts:  
New Senate education committee chairman Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) has released a proposed re-authorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Specifically, he has proposed terminating references to all federal core academic subjects, including arts education in the classroom. In addition to several other changes, Senator Alexander has proposed terminating authorization of $1 billion in after-school programs, of which many include after-school arts activities for children.
Take quick and simple action here before February 2.

Details here.

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