Jazz and blues news with a Florida focus, provided by www.JazzBluesFlorida.com - Florida's FREE online guide to live jazz & blues music with client club, festival & concert listings and news blog with social media integration!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Barb Van Featured Artist of Month at Blue Jean Blues
Thankyou Charlie Boyer for supporting Live music Jazz and Blues .You are truly a musicians and club owners best friend. To Music Lovers out there Mark your calendar for March 18th .Come in early get a good seat for The jazz jam session with Barbara Van and Mike Orta followed by the incredible Noel Friedline Quintet a double music session not to be missed. See you there.
Thankyou Charlie Boyer for supporting Live music Jazz and Blues .You are truly a musicians and club owners best friend. To Music Lovers out there Mark your calendar for March 18th .Come in early get a good seat for The jazz jam session with Barbara Van and Mike Orta followed by the incredible Noel Friedline Quintet a double music session not to be missed. See you there.