Saturday, June 1, 2024

Jazz & Blues Florida June 2024 Issue Posted For Free Distribution

Summertime in Florida,
and the Music Is 
Hotter Than Ever.
Florida's trusted source.

We Have Articles on Artists Performing
in Florida THIS Month.
We've Got Festival Listings.
We've Got a Daily Music News Blog.
We've Got Links to Jazz & Blues Societies.
We've Got Links to Jazz & Blues Programs so 
you never have to be alone.

The June 2024 issue of Jazz & Blues Florida has been published and posted at This month features are EG Kight at North Central Florida Blues Society Touring Artist Concert Series, The Black Honkeys Band ( Bro Phil Esposito, Wil Harris, Steven C. Tanner, Greg Czinke, Nicole Simone, John Dash Dixon, Terry Clark, Scott Myers), Bear & Robert (Cindy Bear & Franc Robert), Joshua Bowlus, Hot Fiddle (Ashley Liberty, Daniel C. Strange) opening the Community Arts Program Concert Series in Coral Gables, Ms. Serabee from New Orleans , and Marco Thomas leading the Gainesville Big Band. All of these artists are performing in Florida this month, despite the heat! Read up and make some plans to get to support them and real music in real places this month. See you there.

HERE is the direct link to the online reader.

The focus for JUNE is hitting 10K on Facebook. We are only
150 away as of RIGHT NOW. Your LIKE matters!

Thank you.


Managed and published by its founder Charlie Boyer and with the artistic control of Hope Jason as Art Director since 2006, Jazz & Blues Florida continues to be a leader, innovator and trusted reference… with no pop-ups or cookies other than for traffic monitoring. In our 15 years as Jazz & Blues Florida we’ve posted 6,846 blog posts with over 2.6 million reads, boasted email open rates exceeding 48% and averaging 41% on our opt-in only email subscriber list, built our social media contact followers list to over 26,000 accounts, published over 2,000 articles about artists performing in Florida during the month of publication in our free monthly magazine that has NEVER missed a publication deadline (with a running tally of 6,000-plus ad placements). With a global presence, in 2023 Jazz Blues Florida's Facebook Business Page (only ONE of our five active platforms) boasted a reach of 266,247 page views and 43,833 website views.


Deadline for July ad orders is Tuesday, June 25th.
The Cover Feature for July & August is available. The Cover 
Features are already SOLD for October, November & December.
If you have something great coming up to hype, get your order in!
When you place your order early, we start working for you early.
We are upfront about the "what and how' of what we do.

for pricing and to place orders.

We are a paid content multi-media promotion platform for live 
jazz & blues in Florida's clubs, concerts and festivals and are
connected with over 25,000 social media accounts that follow
us. Please consider connecting with our info flow through:
~ ~ ~ 
Distribution by
Contact by EMAIL ONLY to
#JazzBluesFlorida #Jazz #Blues #Clubs #Concerts #Festivals
Making the scene since 2006!

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