The Devil’s Music: The Life and Blues of Bessie Smith - A Play with Music
Book by Angelo Parra, Directed by Genie Croft. A musical featuring the “Empress of the Blues”, whose life was as outrageous as her talents.
MAY 5 - MAY 29, 2016
“Avery Sommers does not inhabit the role of blues legend Bessie Smith in The Devil’s Music. She becomes Bessie Smith. She IS Bessie Smith. As the sold-out house at the opening night can tell you, the meat of what’s on stage is superb.” -Florida Theater on Stage
Photo credit: Alexander Shapiro |
Bobby Watson All-Star Quartet Fri. May 6, 8pm (JAZZ)
The Grammy-nominated saxophonist and composer from Kansas City has played with notable jazz icons such as Max Roach, Louis Hayes, George Coleman, Wynston Marsalis, Lou Rawls and Carmen Lundy. His Quartet will feature renowned bass player Curtis Lundy.

Henry Butler Sat. May 7, 8pm (JAZZ/BLUES)
The award-winning New Orleans piano legend leads audiences through the blues, with his classically trained voice and his hands that boogie that keyboard like no one else’s. Butler is a rich amalgam of jazz, Caribbean, classical, pop, blues, and R&B, and his music is as eclectic as that of his New Orleans birthplace.

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