Please follow this link to the news of David's passing, and the thoughts and feelings of the music community that new and loved him...
Here is the reposting of last week's blog entry:
(A friend passed this on to us. Charlie)

Our great friend and fellow musician David Brophy is in the final stage of his fight with cancer.
The doctors have placed him in a drug-induced coma to alleviate his pain and suffering. He’s probably not going to improve and he’s probably not going to regain consciousness.
David spent his whole life playing music and making other people happy. He was a great singer, a fine guitarist, and a truly one of a kind personality.
Dave was equally at home in a number of musical genres: Soul, R&B, Blues, Country, and Rock; he played them all with conviction and humor for over 45 years, most of them here in South Florida.
Dave sang in his first band in 1964; a British Invasion and Soul group called The Harvard Beats.
By 1966 The Harvard Beats had morphed into Dave and The Soul Brothers, a successful teen band that played throughout South Florida, frequently at The Fontainebleau, Miami Beach.
He turned this entire school on to Soul music at a pep rally he in ‘66, doing James Brown and Wayne Cochran songs. His favorite artist was Otis Redding.
Dave did the whole live set of James Brown at the Apollo, including "Please Please Please" where he wore his cape and fell to his knees. His favorite artist was Otis Redding
In 1967 he was performing with his next band The Force
Later Dave moved to Bel Air Maryland in 1968 and formed The Wild Oats.
They were vegetarians and they began writing their own material.
The band lived on a 20-acre farm and played Baltimore area.
Later, he relocated to Santa Cruz, California and recorded with The Red Ragged Rose, who recorded a single- a red 45.
He moved back to Florida and performed country music with the Backwoods Boogie Band.
He spent the following years playing with Nicole Yarling and The Weld, The Ravens, Stan Street, Raiford Starke, The 18 Wheelers, Piano Bob, and a host of others.
This coming Monday evening, November 15th, we’re having a get-together to celebrate the life our great friend, David Brophy, at The Luna Star Café, from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Come and share your memories of Dave with others who loved him and were touched by his unique gifts of good tunes and good times.
You’re free to bring your music too. There will be an open mic for anyone who wishes to play.
The Luna Star Café
775 N.E. 125 St.
North Miami, FL. 33161
Posted by Jazz & Blues Florida
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