923 N. McMullen Booth Road
Clearwater, FL 33759
Franc Robert 1-1:30pm
Sarasota Slim 1:30-2:15pm
Rev. Billy C. Wirtz 2:30-3:30pm
Rory Block 3:45-5pm
Brent Johnson &
The Call Up 5:15-6:30pm
Eddie Turner 6:45-8pm
Bobby Messano 8:15-9:30pm
Event Ends 9:45pm
Franc Robert
Between Sets in the Regency Lounge
~ ~ ~
Three hour drive up to the north side of Tampa to
event today... Not up for I-75 highway of pain yet, so
a bit of right instead of keeping to the left, and
I'm off on another adventure!
First, a little side trip down a country lane...
to see who is laying around out there under the windswept the pasture...
for the past 166 years...

~ ~ ~
Three hour drive up to the north side of Tampa to
event today... Not up for I-75 highway of pain yet, so
a bit of right instead of keeping to the left, and
I'm off on another adventure!
First, a little side trip down a country lane...
to see who is laying around out there under the windswept the pasture...
for the past 166 years...
If ever there was a graveyard tree, this is IT. |
The header... |
... and the eternal message below. Just who says Florida doesn't have its own musical heritage? Ha! |
And to close the visit on a happy little thought.... |
and, as is his way, special attention was paid to present artists that
Florida does not see enough of, often enough!
Arrival! |
What? No mermaids??? |
What a view backing up Sarasota Slim! |
Sarasota Slim...keeping the blues in Sarasota, and Sarasota in the blues! |
When you come to a Rev Billy C Wirtz show expect to move your mind as fast Billy moves those fingers! |
Kilmo is in town on bass duty... |
As pretty as they come! |
Rory Block. A woman of the blues... |
Rory Block. Lordy, doesn't this world need people like her! Spirit, talent, understanding, compassion, HEART. |
Rory doesn't play it. She LIVES it, and you can FEEL it! |
Brent Johnson, Calling up those rockin' blues! |
Franc Robert holding court in the lounge between mainstage sets... |
Linda, doing what Linda does; so well, so well! |
Bobby, Smiling Bobby... |
Ms. Roseanne, off-duty, for about one minute!
Already working hard on their next big show -
Camping w/ the Blues! See you there!
Eddie Turner - a highlight in a bright day of music - The first time hearing him live. |
The ladies came to dance... and did they! |
P.E. (Positive Energy) Bobby Messano! |
I think along with delivering the music, Bobby's mission in life is to make every single person in the room feel special and appreciated for coming out for the show! |
Check out the 23 song video playlist from this day at:
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