This month also marks the release of our new Archives page at Now a simple search will find and allow you to read complete issues with articles on any of the thousands of artists we have featured over the years. Thank you Hope Jason. She did it all. Thank goodness.
Also of importance... we accepted the order for season-long advertising for South Motors Jazz at Pinecrest Gardens. Jazz & Blues Florida has been on life-support since March of last year, and I have been blessed with 'outside' work and income to keep it going. But this can only continue for so long, and the decision has been looming about ceding the time spent on JBF it to other work in order to keep myself afloat. The confidence of Pinecrest in placing that order, and their stated NEED for JBF – not only for their series but for the overall scene – has allowed me in to keep it all going. And I feel good about it.
Check out this issue in the ONLINE READER and check out our full site for festival, live performance listings, online streaming jazz and blues programs, and that new archive page!
Florida's clubs, concerts and festivals.
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Charles R. Boyer, Owner/Publisher
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