Thursday, August 22, 2024

Florida Jazz and Blues Festival Listings for 2024 and 2025 - The Most Accurate & Complete Compilation

Where Florida Residents,
Seasonal Visitors, and
Tourists Get Their Festival Info!

Jazz Blues Florida maintains the most accurate and most complete listings of Florida's genre-related festivals to be found anywhere. The list currently presents 89 festival events. And the world-wide traffic to these pages on our website receive the highest number of hits on our site.  

(Be sure to go to the second page to see
additional non-client listings.)

If you know more than us, please share!
Email me directly at
with any updated information and feedback from
attending events. And if you are a presenter and
want to benefit from the exposure we generate
here and across our promotion platform, email
me at that address as well. 

If you want to know about our client's festivals
almost as soon as we learn, please join our
email news subscriber list HERE.

And if the festivals don't fit your time frame there
is ALWAYS a lot of great live jazz & blues 
happening around the state - see our regional
listings for live shows HERE.

Deadline for September ad placement orders 
to promote your event is 8/23/24.
Email for rates and 
to place orders.

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Distribution by:
#JazzBluesFlorida #Jazz #Blues #Clubs #Concerts #Festivals
Making the scene since 2006!
If you wish to be included in our personalized 
subscriber list please use this FORM
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See what we see on YOUTUBE!
And, of course, you can LIKE us on FACEBOOK!
(Maxed out at 5K on the personal page since 2016)
We link to business on LINKEDIN.
And, yes, PINTEREST, too!
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And, if you like what you see here, please 

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