Saturday, June 8, 2024

Sheba The Mississippi Queen - Born of the Delta and Raised in the Blues

Authentic Blues.
Originated In Mississippi.

For any blues fan, catching Sheba The Mississippi Queen's live show is a must! With a soulful voice that can move mountains and a stage presence that captivates, Sheba brings the authentic spirit of the blues to  life. Her performances are a dynamic blend of raw emotion and skillful  musicianship reflecting her sharecropping childhood in Sunflower, MS - the cradle of the blues - creating an unforgettable experience for the audience.  Whether she's belting out a classic or introducing her own powerful  originals, Sheba's passion for the blues shines through.

Watch for Sheba The Mississippi Queen performing at a venue near you, or request your favorite club or festival to book her, and immerse yourself in the heart and soul of the blues scene in Florida!

The Bluesmen:
Keith Caton – Guitars
Bob Black – Bass Guitar
Ernesto Pierson – Drums

Now Booking Clubs, Concerts
and Festivals for 2024-25

Sheba headlining at Bo Diddley Plaza in Gainesville to
open Downtown Festival & Art Show 2022
Photo Credit - Cindy Oliver

Sheba's latest release is garnering great
airplay and review recognition. 
Roots Music Report'Duane Verh
rated it at 4-Stars and
noted in his review that the CD presents
 "blues with power and old-school savvy."
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