Pinellas County, with jurisdiction over the City of St Petersburg, has just enacted an Emergency Covid-19 Order which places strict limitations on all special events, including the Tampa Bay Blues Festival. The Emergency Order was enacted in response to the Covid-19 crisis, and places stringent limitations on total attendance, gives the County the right to shut down the event in its sole discretion, and imposes civil and criminal penalties on any attendee or organizer who violates the Order. These restrictions require us to reschedule the festival for a new date of April,8, 9, and 10, 2022.
While the dates were approved by the City many months ago, this new Emergency Order makes proceeding with the festival in April 2021 a practical impossibility. We deeply regret this development, and all current ticket holders and VIP customers will automatically transfer to April, 8, 9, and 10, 2022. If those dates are inconvenient, we will also honor your credentials in 2023. The health and safety of our blues family is our utmost concern, and current national virus conditions are trending negatively. Health officials warned recently that the latest UK Covid - 19 variant, which is even more contagious, is likely to surge in Florida by March. Despite our full CDC compliance planning, this would render the festival too hazardous to proceed.
The rescheduled festival will give everyone a chance to receive the Covid vaccine, if desired, and will also give us the necessary time to present an enjoyable and safer festival. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you, and we thank you for your understanding and support. We are strongly committed to bring this show to St. Petersburg when conditions improve, and your purchases will be fully protected.
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