Good morning, 2018!
It's going to be a great year for Jazz & Blues!
What a great way to start the year with all this great music made by good people! And, you are already a part of it if you are reading this...
Thank you all for the privilege of doing what I do! So, that said, time to get back to doing it! Links below. Please click and share and get out and listen and dance, if it's dancing that you do! See you in Memphis!
Shareable Full-Screen Reader link:
Link to .pdf:
Link to main web site: for more info, links, resources, listings and the very popular FESTIVAL LISTING PAGE.
Oh yeah... May I ask a New Year's favor of you? It's an easy one.... if you have not LIKED our FB biz page yet, please do so. And if you get that far, please also considering SHARING the page to help spread the good word about live jazz and blues in Florida, and beyond.... Here's the link:
Charles R. Boyer, Owner/Publisher
Jazz & Blues Florida
(561) 313-7432
Did you know that as
Florida’s promotion platform for live jazz & blues:
-We have the most
comprehensive festival page for Florida jazz & blues:
-We have daily-updated
listings of Florida jazz & blues shows:
- We have the most
comprehensive and active news blog for Florida jazz & blues news:
-We have the most complete and
current listing of Florida jazz and blues resources:
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