Jazz Camp 2017!
A lifetime musical experience!
Fort Pierce Jazz Camp 2017
(Follow above link for bios)
Larry Brown, piano
JB Scott, trumpet
Lisa Kelly, vocals
Gene Bruno, saxophone
David Einhorn, bass
Claudio Berardi, drums
The first two weeks of Summer Jazz Camp,
which are slated for June 12-16 and June 19-23,
run $135 per week or $250 for both weeks. The
Advanced Jazz Camp, June 26-30 is $175, and
the same week’s Vocal Boot Camp is $165.
Summer Jazz Camp Week 1
June 12th - June 16th - 10 am to 2 pm
Summer Jazz Camp Week 2
June 19th - June 23th - 10 am to 2 pm
Summer Jazz Camp Weeks 1 and 2
June 12th - June 23th - 10 am to 2 pm
Advanced Jazz Camp
June 26th - June 30th - 10 am to 3 pm
New this year, advanced Summer Jazz Camp that will delve into the
finer points of jazz and blues performance both instrumental and vocal.
Led by the legendary Larry Brown, the Advanced Instrumental Jazz Camp
will feature Brown on piano, David Einhorn on bass, Claudio Berardi on
drums, JB Scott on brass and Gene Bruno on saxophone. That means
your young musician — or you — could have a chance to learn from and
perform with some of the country’s most accomplished musicians.
Vocal Boot Camp with Lisa Kelly
June 26th - June 30th - 10 am to 2 pm
If you’d like to be a star — or at least learn to perform
like one, call today to save your space for this year’s
jazz camps at the Sunrise Black Box Theatre and the
Fort Pierce Jazz and Blues Society’s Jazz Shack on
the River. Call 772-460-JAZZ (5299) to register, or
register online at www.jazzsociety.org.
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