Sunday, July 5, 2015

"Once In A While"...(Even Allen Kanovsky is amazed by the talent showcased at Arts Garage!)

Submitted by Al Kanovsky 07/04/15 the title of a song written by Michael Edwards in 1937. It was recorded by saxophonist, Don Byas, in 1945. It is probably one of the most romantic tunes ever written. Last night it was replaced in my memory bank by a melody written by another great reed man, Dr. Ed Calle. The song was composed while Ed was on the road. The title is simply "Thinking of You" and is dedicated to his wife. I heard him play it last night in a concert at Arts Garage. With him was the famed Federico Britos (violin), Jose and Nomar Negroni (piano & drums respectively) and Josh Allen on bass. Their play list was basically from their new double disc album "America" and features songs from songs of nations  in the north and southern continents. The program opened with Ed on soprano and an unusual arrangement(Jose) of "All the Things You Are". Next, Ed, now on tenor sax played what I would describe as an 'endless cadenza' with incredibly creative riffs as an introduction to "Granada". I have heard that song a hundred different ways but never like last night. Each of the quintet displaying excellent musicianship in variations of the melodic line. Again a Jose Negrinos arrangement as all of the songs were. The theme from "Pink Panther"  gave Josh a chance to show off a bit. Jose and Nomar fluidly moved through all the rhythmic patterns known to modern man. The tune "Me Tango" put you in a smoke filled room, crowded with dancers, holding one another close and doing intricate maneuvers. "El Maniceros"(Peanut Vendor) is familiar to most JAZZophiles and Ed did things with the tenor sax that cannot be done. Notes, no not notes, sounds that cannot be played were played. The 2nd set opened with a Federico composition titled "Ansina" which was influenced by the Afro-Uruguayan beat 'con dombe'. The classic JAZZ song "Caravan" is introduced by Jose's 'keys' acumen. There things that saxophonists can NOT do. Besides standing on their heads and fingering with their toes there is double and especially triple tonguing. Double is tu-ku tu-ku. Triple is tutu-ku tutu-ku. Imagine a mouthpiece between your jaws and doing that. Ed does it flawlessly. Jose, Nomar and Josh as a trio fool with it moving from swing to clave. There is no drummer in the world that is not going to do a solo to "Caravan" . Nomar does one which brings the audience to its feet. "A Um...(and here is where the submission email from Al was cut off... we are left to wonder what came next! Tune in tomorrow for today's exciting conclusion!)


Al's Disclaimer:
A short note: The reason I write this is because I love music and words. I do not book acts. I do not promote acts. I do not accept invitations to review artists. I go to venues of my own choice. When and where is not influenced by anything other than who I would like to hear that night or day. If I don't like what I hear, I won't write about it. When I like it I let you all know. I never mention a name without asking permission. "Pardon me, Miss. Would you like to dance?" 

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