Thursday, July 30, 2015

Nicodemus searched for an honest man...(In South Florida? You've gotta be kidding, Allen Kanovsky!)

Submitted by Al Kanovsky 07/30/15

Most nights I just search for honest music. JAZZ or BLUES. 

Last night I sat around in my skivvies (Naval slang for underwear) searching through writings, old and new, for some stuff that would be appropriate to read at BaCA's open Arts night. Then, my phone rang.

Actually it didn't ring. My tone is a ships bell. Bells don't ring, they toll. My phone tolled --- It's my love from a past life, Ms. Jackie Deering. She is nearing a favorite haunt of mine in Ft. Lauderdale and is wondering if I am there. Jackie has another American Airlines flight attendant with her, Julia. A chance to be with 2 'stews' in one place, at the same time --- I am on my way to the shower as I say "I'll be there".

Talk about "getting lucky". Man O' Man!!!!. Do you have any idea how fortunate it is to have Greg Diaz (reeds/vocals) on the same stage with DannyBurger (drums), James McCoy (bass) and Scandinavian import Yael Turinen (keys)? The ladies were seated at the bar and had me sit between them. They are both good to look at. I am the envy of every male in the joint. Lots of the other ladies are looking at me and wondering "What's he got?"

--- Hey Al, JAZZ --- BLUES --- music, remember?

Yeah, yeah. Let me say this about Greg. He is unique in style and presentation. Creativity is ingrained in his very being. Every phrase he plays or scats is fresh, brand new and exciting. The Shelly Mann quote "JAZZ musicians never play the thing----once!" is absolutely on target when you listen to Greg.

Initially, I didn't pay much attention to the music. Introductions, cheek kisses, compliments on the ladies attire and stuff like that. A half-eaten "kitchen sink" pizza was on the bar. I was welcomed to help myself. I did, adding some red pepper flakes.

Chewing away, the tones of "Night In Tunisia" penetrated my consciousness. Be-bop is far and away my favorite JAZZ genre and Mr. Diaz knows his be-bop. A couple of weeks ago I wrote that if I could listen to only one musician for the rest of my life, it would be ED Calle (tenor sax). During the breaks and for an occasional duet my choice would be Greg Diaz.

They played "Desifinado". I had Jackie in my arms and on the dance floor. Great JAZZ, a beautiful, graceful gal in your arms---Euphoria!

Greg is a versatile JAZZ man. Tunes from Broadway "Gypsy Woman" to 52 St. "L'il Darlin". East coast and west coast licks. A little bit of Chicago and a taste of Memphis. Along the way wonderful solos by James, Danny and Yael.

No, I didn't read a short story or recite a poem. Instead I listened to people who have far more talent and had the company of people who are far more beautiful. Very few folks who live on this earth enjoy life more than I enjoy the one I live. I bow my head, bend my knee and thank the Lord for the blessings he has bestowed upon me.

I love music. I love women. I love LIFE!!!!

Al's Disclaimer:
A short note: The reason I write this is because I love music and words. I do not book acts. I do not promote acts. I do not accept invitations to review artists. I go to venues of my own choice. When and where is not influenced by anything other than who I would like to hear that night or day. If I don't like what I hear, I won't write about it. When I like it I let you all know. I never mention a name without asking permission. "Pardon me, Miss. Would you like to dance?" 

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Posted by Jazz & Blues Florida
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1 comment:

  1. Love to read Al's blogs and catch up on all that's happening out there that u miss. His sense of humor, prowess on the dance floor with the ladies is also reknown. May he live long and prosper .So so glad we have you to keep us informed. Love & Music Barbara Van :)
