We understand that this message will reach many subscribers and readers who will not be directly affected by the content, but we feel it is important for EVERYONE to know and understand how we operate and what we present.
Jazz & Blues Florida will no longer be publishing independent, unsponsored editorial in the features we present in the monthly magazine. Feature coverage is now for sale starting with the July 2015 edition and we are taking orders NOW. The Main/Cover Feature (photo on cover and page and a half inside of content) has been sold already for July, August, September October, November, January, February and March(updated 6/24/15 at 12:30am). Contact us at Sales@JazzBluesFlorida.com ASAP for details, order sheet and guidelines.
• Feature service purchases are contingent on purchasing packaged promotional services the month of publication.
• Main/cover feature will be offered by invitation only, with a maximum purchase of once per year.
• Submission of all materials must follow deadlines and content guidelines.
• Feature subject must be aligned with month of publication.
Limited-time prices (prices will increase in October) are $75, prepaid, for Spotlight Feature and $150, prepaid, for Front Cover/Main Feature. We will take orders at these prices until October 2015 for placements out to July 2016.
We have changed how our services are offered and prices by streamlining the packaging to increase operational efficiencies and provide greater value to our clients. We still offer our PREMIUM Listing Services at only $10 per month as we recognize that this is all some clients need, and our packages that utilize the full platform of our services (display ads in the monthly magazine, banner ads on our main website, email blasts, news blog postings, social media distribution and the PREMIUM Listing Service) now start at only $120, up to $200, prepaid, per month. Contact us at Sales@JazzBluesFlorida.com for the new rate sheet ASAP for JULY placements.
Unfortunately Jazz & Blues Florida can no longer provide free listings. We have stopped that service due to the cost of maintenance and so our readers can focus on the information of those that pay for this service.
All of these changes are being implemented as necessary means to keep Jazz & Blues Florida going and growing. We look forward to moving forward as the most viable and valuable of the marketing tools available for all live jazz & blues in Florida.
We thank Bob Weinberg (Contributing Editor) and Bill Meredith (Contributing Writer) for their years of excellent and timely contributions. In the past DECADE there has never been a past-deadline submission nor a posting of the publication later than the first of the month.
Thank you,
Jazz & Blues Florida's traffic, activity and distribution reports at www.JazzBluesFlorida.com/Reports will be updated July 1, 2015.
If you are not a past, current or potential advertiser, perhaps you would like to pass this along to someone you know that you feel may benefit.
Charles R. Boyer, Owner/Publisher
Jazz & Blues Florida
(561) 313-7432
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Promotional distribution by
And, if you like what you see here, please
Did you know that as Florida ’s ONLY promotion platform for live jazz & blues:
We have the only monthly publication dedicated to previews of upcoming jazz and blues shows in Florida at www.JazzBluesFlorida.com ?
We have the most comprehensive festival page for Florida jazz & blues at www.JazzBluesFlorida.com/Festivals ?
We have the most complete and current listing of Florida jazz and blues links at www.JazzBluesFlorida.com/links ?
We have the largest email notification system for upcoming jazz and blues events in And, of course, you can LIKE us on FACEBOOK!
*NOTE* The ad below is placed there by Google Adsense. We do not have complete control over what they put there. It is a passive source of income for us that helps us pay the bills. Thank you.
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