Submitted by Al Kanovsky 09/04/14
I had agreed to meet Jimmy Belize and Nancy at 'toity-toid' to catch Danny Burgers' Showcase, and so I
left with saddened heart.
I arrive in time to catch Tony Niccolosi singing "All My Tomorrows Belong To You". I would love to have someone to tell that to. With Tony are Nicy Orta on bass, Tom McCormack on tenor sax and of course Danny on drums. Tom and Nicky are pleasant and welcome surprises and so my luck continues. Tony is a gifted guitarist and it shows as he does Wes Montgomery's "Road Song". He pays homage to B.B.King and Otis Redding. "Everyday" has Tom blowing like the old time bar-walkers. "Lullaby of Broadway" and "I'm Coming Home" end the set as my pal Dave (cat in the hat) and Jimmy and Nancy join me. The 2d set opens with Dizzy's "Night In Tunisia" which gives each of them a chance to 'show-off'. And the do. Each solo topping another as they go around. Tony sings "Rainy Night in Georgia" followed by "Masquerade" which melds into "Nature Boy". Pardon me for waxing 'romantic' but there's a lyric line in "Nature Boy" that reads----the greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is how to love and be loved in return. Never a truer lyric.
Tom is featured on "Like Someone In Love" and shows how great an influence be-bop has on him. Nicky's solo is equally inspired and Danny (the brushmeister) shows why I call him that. They play Mon's "round Midnight". Richy has taken a seat next to me and says he doesn't think that the tune is indicative of Monk's music. I think the exact opposite. It is my firm belief that it encompasses all of Monk's passion for the music. That is why I say listening to JAZZ is not an objective art. They do "How High the Moon" and Nicky's solo is 5*. They trade 4's with Danny . Tony sings "Moondance" and they close the set with "Mercy,Mercy,Mercy". My head is starting to drift towards my chest. Good night ladies--'til we meet again....
Publisher's note:
So, WHAT THE HECK IS UP WITH THE BLACKED OUT NAMES? Well, we thought this would help get across the point that the two highlighted and linked names that are shown (one not even part of either of these two venues) are supporting the rest that DO NOT SUPPORT JAZZ & BLUES FLORIDA AND HAVE NEVER USED OUR PROMOTION SERVICES. Al is out there, doing what he loves to do, and contributes his writings to the blog for free, each and every time. He has never been asked by us to contribute and it is of his own free will and belief that communication and promotion is good for the music community, as we do. Well, we know many people look and read Al's blog here on our platform, but we also know that it has generated less than one new client per year for three years it has been running. Our premise that it would lead to greater levels of support was simply way, way off. So, we wanted to get this out there for people to think about - and consider that our PREMIUM listing service starts at ONLY $10 per month? It would only take a small portion of clubs and artists that read this signing up today to get Al some compensation, and keep him out there, and his words continuing here, fully visible. Email
So, WHAT THE HECK IS UP WITH THE BLACKED OUT NAMES? Well, we thought this would help get across the point that the two highlighted and linked names that are shown (one not even part of either of these two venues) are supporting the rest that DO NOT SUPPORT JAZZ & BLUES FLORIDA AND HAVE NEVER USED OUR PROMOTION SERVICES. Al is out there, doing what he loves to do, and contributes his writings to the blog for free, each and every time. He has never been asked by us to contribute and it is of his own free will and belief that communication and promotion is good for the music community, as we do. Well, we know many people look and read Al's blog here on our platform, but we also know that it has generated less than one new client per year for three years it has been running. Our premise that it would lead to greater levels of support was simply way, way off. So, we wanted to get this out there for people to think about - and consider that our PREMIUM listing service starts at ONLY $10 per month? It would only take a small portion of clubs and artists that read this signing up today to get Al some compensation, and keep him out there, and his words continuing here, fully visible. Email
Full text below......
...a guy like me gets lucky. Last night I got lucky twice. Yeah even at my age twice can happen. The first event took place at the Dania Beach Grill. It was my first time----at the Grill, I mean. How did I get lucky you query? Niles 'RedBeans' Blaize was hosting a BLUES Jam. And a JAM it was. It started with Niles playing harp and doing vocals. With him were Paul St. Pierre on bass, Dan Newman(lead guitar) and Mike Schaluff on drums. I'm surrounded by guys and gals in shorts, sandals, flip-flops, tank-tops, t-shirts and caps. The background is the ocean, sand dunes and palm trees. There is a breeze coming in from the Atlantic side. Are you getting the idea about being lucky. Niles starts the music with a drag-time BLUES, "Same Thing". We move to N'Awlins with "Big Fun on the Bayou". At the end of the tune people are jumping to pay their meters as a guy is writing tickets. Xavier takes over at drums and Dr. Mike the bass as they play "Worried 'bout You Baby". Seated next to me is keyboardist, Susan Lusher Rivera. The mood moves to church as Miles plays "Amazing Grace" in avery tender way. The tempo picks up and they start to swing it. Jacky(Funky Biscuit fame) comes in. He is wearing a peacock feather print dress. Knee-length and showing plenty of shoulder and 'tats'. Bernie Rose unpacks his keyboard as the Jam gets underway with Dr. Mike on bass and Ken Overbuy on guitars and vocals. They open with "Sweet Home Chicago". Chi Town is the home-town of both Ken and the new club owner Kellen. They do it in shuffle time with a real nice keyboard solo by Bernie. Ken follows with a tune titled "Tush" and then an Elvis tune "Lttle Sister". John Gilson(18 Wheeler Band) joins in on guitar as Bernie sings "Back to the Border" and "Reap What You Sow". His keyboard solo has gals and Jacky up and shakin' it. John takes the mic to sing "I Got Everything A Woman 'll Ever Want". He sings it like he knows something about women. Herb has taken his place on stage for a harp solo. Bernie has the mic back for "There's Good Rockin' Tonight". Blue Sky, Pocahantas, Dan and Ron are on stage and start with "Can't You See". I had agreed to meet Jimmy Belize and Nancy on 'toity-toid' to catch Danny Burgers Showcase, and so I left with saddend heart.
I arrive in time to catch Tony Niccolosi singing "All My Tomorrows Belong To You". I would love to have someone to tell that to. With Tony are Nicy Orta on bass, Tom McCormack on tenor sax and of course Danny on drums. Tom and Nicky are pleasant and welcome surprises and so my luck continues. Tony is a gifted guitarist and it shows as he does Wes Montgomery's "Road Song". He pays homage to B.B.King and Otis Redding. "Everyday" has Tom blowing like the old time bar-walkers. "Lullaby of Broadway" and "I'm Coming Home" end the set as my pal Dave(cat in the hat) and Jimmy and Nancy join me. The 2d set opens with Dizzy's "Night In Tunisia" which gives each of them a chance to 'show-off'. And the do. Each solo topping another as they go around. Tony sings "Rainy Night in Georgia" followed by "Masquerade" which melds into "Nature Boy". Pardon me for waxing 'romantic' but there's a lyric line in "Nature Boy" tha reads----the greates thing, you'll ever learn, is how to love and be loved in return. Never a truer lyric.
Tom is featured on "Like Someone In Love" and shows how great an influence be-bop has on him. Nicky's solo is equally inspired and Danny(the brushmeister) shows why I call him that. They play Mon's "round Midnight". Richy has taken a seat next to me and says he doesn't think that the tune is indicative of Monk's music. I think the exact opposite. It is my firm belief that it encompasses all of Monk's passionfor the music. That is why I say listening to JAZZ is not an objective art. They do "How High the Moon" and Nicky's solo is 5*. They trade 4's with Danny. Tony sings "Moondance" and they close the set with "Mercy,Mercy,Mercy". My head is starting to drift towards my chest. Good night ladies--'til we meet...
Al's Disclaimer:
A short note: The reason I write this is because I love music and words. I do not book acts. I do not promote acts. I do not accept invitations to review artists. I go to venues of my own choice. When and where is not influenced by anything other than who I would like to hear that night or day. If I don't like what I hear, I won't write about it. When I like it I let you all know. I never mention a name without asking permission. "Pardon me, Miss. Would you like to dance?"
~ ~ ~
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