...and a cool Florida music video
for your viewing and listening pleasure!
The July, 2014 online edition of JAZZ & BLUES FLORIDA has been posted at www.JazzBluesFlorida.com . Read previews of local and touring artists performing around Florida this month. Along with the ezine, the JBF website offers comprehensive listings of live jazz and blues music in clubs, concerts and festivals across the state. This month's features are Addison Frei, Gary Langford, Husky Burnette, James Carter, Jeff Jensen, John Goodwin Scholarship Benefit Concert, Lauren Mitchell, Mem Shannon, Nate Najar, Nicole Henry and Rachelle Coba. All the bestest musicians in the bestest places. Enjoy the read and then get out and let the advertisers know you are getting your info here - supporting the local scene begins with knowing about it!
We would write a whole bunch more about all the cool reasons and neat content to entice you to click on over and check it out, but it has been a long weekend getting this together and the roll-out process will continue until tomorrow, so please just take our word for it this time. And, in the words of Little Jake, "Tell your friends to tell their friends!"
And, speaking of Little Jake, as an added bonus to the July issue, please enjoy a JazzBluesFlorida.com exclusive premiere of a video compilation from Little Jake & The Soul Searchers. We have personally enjoyed “Mr. Excitement” Little Jake Mitchell and his classic old-school horn band on many happy occasions and can personally testify that this throwback to the “Chitlin’ Circuit” days is ready for prime time – be it festivals, clubs or concert halls! You may remember him as the cover story in our June 2012 issue of Jazz & Blues Florida... Drum roll please, Hal... Let me introduce you to Little Jake & The Soul Searchers! Enjoy!
Jazz & Blues Florida Team
Charles R. Boyer, Publisher
Jazz & Blues Florida
(561) 313-7432
Did you know that as Florida’s ONLY promotion platform for LIVE JAZZ & BLUES:
We have the only monthly publication dedicated to previews of upcoming jazz and blues shows in Florida at www.JazzBluesFlorida.com ?
We have the most comprehensive and active news blog for Florida jazz & blues newswww.jazz-bluesflorida.blogspot.com ?
We have the most comprehensive festival page for Florida jazz & blues at www.JazzBluesFlorida.com/Festivals ?
We have the most complete listing of Florida jazz & blues performances atwww.JazzBluesFlorida.com/MusicListings.htm ?
Use our free services listed above and please contact us for additional information about our extremely affordable and multi-faceted promotional / advertising platform for artists, venues, CD Release & Promo, Music Festivals, Special Events, Music related businesses, and more.
Current reports on distribution/traffic/activity are available.
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Promotional distribution
And, if you like what you see here, please HIT THAT FACEBOOK SHARE BUTTON below!
Did you know that as Florida ’s ONLY promotion platform for live jazz & blues:
We have the only monthly publication dedicated to previews of upcoming jazz and blues shows in Florida at www.JazzBluesFlorida.com ?
We have the most comprehensive festival page for Florida jazz & blues at www.JazzBluesFlorida.com/Festivals ?
We have the most complete listing of Florida jazz & blues performances at www.JazzBluesFlorida.com/MusicListings.htm ?
We have the most complete and current listing of Florida jazz and blues links at www.JazzBluesFlorida.com/links ?
We have the largest email notification system for upcoming jazz and blues events in And, of course, you can LIKE us on FACEBOOK!
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