Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Jazz & Blues Florida Media Milestone Reached on March 5, 2014 - 400,000 Lifetime Views of Blog!

Jazz & Blues Florida is impressed as all get-out to let everyone know that our blog has reached 400,000 views! Started in June, 2007, the blog now is read by people in almost every corner of this round world (141 countries over the past year!) and peaked in December 2013 at 26, 916 readers in that month alone.

The blog covers events we attend and record with photos, videos and commentary and presents the content of the email blasts our clients hire us to distribute. It has become the go-to source of daily information on Florida's live jazz & blues scene.  Allen Kanovsky, an independent blog contributor, has developed a regular following from his ALMOST daily postings about what he was doing on the scene the night before. Thanks for all you put yourself through to get the info for the reports, Al!

If you are reading this, you are probably already here. If not, here is the URL link:

If you are a musician, club, venue, festival or music related entity and want to be a part of this online information distribution platform, please contact us ASAP at .

If you are reader, thanks a lot for getting us here!

The Jazz Blue Florida Team
~ ~ ~
Posted by Jazz & Blues Florida
Please visit to see the scene.
Or, just email me at to sign up to have
Florida's jazz & blues news delivered to your inbox.
And, if you like what you see here, please HIT THAT FACEBOOK SHARE BUTTON below!
Did you know that as Florida’s ONLY promotion platform for live jazz & blues:
We have the only monthly publication dedicated to previews of upcoming jazz and blues shows in Florida at ?
We have the most comprehensive festival page for Florida jazz & blues at ?
We have the most complete listing of Florida jazz & blues performances at ?
We have the most comprehensive and active news blog for Florida jazz & blues news ?
We have the most complete and current listing of Florida jazz and blues links at ?
We have the largest email notification system for upcoming jazz and blues events in Florida?

*NOTE* The ad below is placed there by Google Adsense. We do not have complete control over what they put there. It is a passive source of income for us that helps us pay the bills. Thank you.

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