Jazz & Blues Florida business matters that may be of interest to you:
1) JazzBluesFlorida has just run all new Traffic, Activity, and Distribution
Reports for
and related sites. JBF is very happy to report that there has been continued
growth in ALL areas. For example, our news blog is now being read over
22,000 times each month and our annual banner views now number in the millions.
As we do, the reports presented are actual reports, not our interpretation of
the numbers. Please check them out at
. If you have any questions on the reports,
please call me.
2) There will be a price increase in January for new clients to reflect this
growth and the work required to get to this level, the work required to
maintain this level and the work required to keep growing. This is the last
opportunity to place orders at the current price levels and STAY at those rates
as long as we possibly can for as long as you continue to use our services. We
have clients that are still paying the rates that they came in at FIVE years
3) The deadline for orders for the January issue of Jazz & Blues Florida
is TOMORROW, Friday, December 20, end of day. If you want in, we need to
be working with you by then.
4) We are almost completely booked for our daily dedicated email blasts
through May. If you are contemplating using this part of our platform, please
remember that first option for open dates goes to those that have multi-month
package agreements with us. If you want to make sure we can accommodate you, we
need to hear from you ASAP.
5) We will be changing our business entity/form at the first of the year and
will become a corporation due to our current level of business and future
growth. This will involve a business and payment name change, but not much else
that we are aware of, other than hopefully accelerating our growth which our
clients will benefit from. If you are a past client and start again with us, please
note the new payment information on the invoices over the next month as we
phase in the changes.
6) If you are not in a position to use our services at this time we kindly
request any help you can provide in the way of introductions or suggestions of
what we need to be doing to gain your business.
7) Everyone at JBF wishes to thank each and every one of you for YOUR
support by simply being on our lists and reading this email. We totally
understand and appreciate that in this way you are supporting real music, made
by real people, in real places.
See you this year or next out there somewhere the good music is happening and the good people are listening!
R. Boyer, Publisher
Jazz & Blues Florida
(561) 313-7432
Did you know that as Florida ’s
ONLY promotion platform for live jazz & blues:
We have the only monthly publication dedicated to previews of upcoming jazz and blues shows
in Florida at ?
We have the most comprehensive festival page for Florida jazz & blues at ?
We have the most complete listing of Florida jazz & blues performances at ?
We have the most comprehensive and
active news blog for Florida jazz & blues news ?
We have the most complete and current
listing of Florida jazz
and blues links at ?
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