Monday, September 30, 2013

Repentance is often...(on Allen Kanovsky's To-do list?)

Submitted by Al Kanovsky 9/30/13

rewarded. My apology for Saturday paid dividends on Sunday. No Hail Marys' or Our Fathers. No Acts of Contrition or self-flagellation. No head bowed or kneeling in prayer. A simple heart-felt apology and I got my just desserts -----a great afternoon and evening of BLUES and friendship. "Who Could Ask For Anything More". It started mid-afternoon at Rosey Baby in Lauderhill. The South Florida BLUES Society competition for solo and duo acts. If you were there, enough said.  If you weren't you should mark your calendar for next year. The competitors were Graham Drout with Mitch Mestel; Amy Arlo with Big Al; Nico Wayne Toussaint with Michel Foizon; Joel Zoss, solo; The BLUES dragon duo of Mark Telesca with Allen Gibbs; Piano Bob with Nick Trill and Sista Marybeth with Tommy Benson. Original tunes, classic BLUES, delta--James Cotton to Howlin' Wolf---an afternoon of music that will not soon be forgotten. Friendship? Let me start with my pal Bill Rutan who can drink more vodka/rocks in an hour than any living being. He always has olives thinking it makes him look 'civilized' .Angela and Jose from The Fish House, Jackie(American Airlines), Diane Young, Bob Grabau, Piano Bob and Mary, Tania Blue, Martine & Jacques, Betty 'Shake Your Booty' Rosenthal, Marie Blaize(Niles wife). Newly met friends Susy Reiter and John Moore aka "Juan Fabuloso". I am trying to figure out how John 'the Oklahoma Kid' transformed himself to Juan Fabuloso. After Joel Zoss's performance John and I discussed how composers had a special feel for lyrics, even those not their own. You had to see Tania Blue dressed in black, tight and short. Oooohweee!

Susy was with a couple of her friends one of whom felt what she had to say was more important than listening to the music. During the break I mentioned that most of us were here for that purpose. The somewhat heavy-set blond responded in a typical Brooklyn broad manner. I opted to ignore the -----. BLUES Bobby took the stage and told a similar story about people talking. It quieted most of the chatterers----for a while. During the results break, Otis Cadillac asked if I played kazoo. My response was positive and so he asked me to join his kazoo quintet. I have to think about it because I would have to buy my own kazoo. Joe Canizzo(JC Crossfire) said I could afford it. I asked him to 'chip in'.  Bernie Rose said I would be welcome if I could read music..Niles 'Redbeans' Blaize who plays harp, vocalizes and plays kazoo with Otis Cadillac and the Eldorados said welcome aboard. Next time you see Niles ask for one of his business cards. It is a 'collectors item'. I can't just sit there and listen. My body demands motion. I danced with Jackie, Martine danced with Jacques, Juan Fabuloso's wife danced with some of the other ladies. Juan drank his beer!. The play list, far too extensive to list. I must mention that I particularly enjoyed Joel's solo performance especially his dedication "To beer---and those who drink it", Guitar, vocals and great lyric lines. 

The results were as follows: 
Mark & Allen  3d place, Graham & Mitch 2d and off to Memphis representing the South Florida BLUES Society, Nico and Michel. ( *NOTE* You can follow state-wide IBC Challenge results at another blog entry further down this page:

I am off to The Funky Biscuit and graciously Jackie says she'll follow me there. Off we go and arrive at the Biscuit safe, sound and in time for the 2d set of the reunion of Bobby and the Renegades. The 'joint' is packed with folks having a good time. There's an old saying "Music soothes the savage beast". Well. it makes civilized people pretty happy too. A "Pretty Woman", Barbara Thomans is doing the real "Lindy" with Terry Donaho. In conversation Barbara says "If dancing doesn't make you smile, you shouldn't do it" She is right, so Jackie and I get up to enjoy life. The band is smoking!! How the Biscuit doesn't go up in flames is beyond me. Greg Magnati handles the vocals, Rich Conklin is at the drums, Mason Randall playing bass with Steve Laudicina on lead guitar and blowin' the doors off. The band plays the BLUES, some funk and boogie, keeping us all clappin' tappin' and on the dance floor. A Greg original "I Don't Like Anything About You" reflected his feelings about a former band-mate. Greg announced his recent engagement to Chelsea who was celebrating her birthday. The band did Howlin' Wolf's "Three Hundred Pounds of Joy" and Stevie Ray Vaughan's "You're Gonna Miss Me' and an inspired version of "Double Trouble". Jackie and I had a great time and were sorry that the evening had to end. Before we said goodnight, Jackie shared a poem she had written about Tibet, titled "The Mountain and the River". It made me wish I had been there with her. 

No Tracy but Ted Grossman pretty darn good; playing soft JAZZ tunes to fit the late Sunday mood. "I Surrender Dear" and then some Billie Holiday---   

Al's Disclaimer:
A short note: The reason I write this is because I love music and words. I do not book acts. I do not promote acts. I do not accept invitations to review artists. I go to venues of my own choice. When and where is not influenced by anything other than who I would like to hear that night or day. If I don't like what I hear, I won't write about it. When I like it I let you all know. I never mention a name without asking permission. "Pardon me, Miss. Would you like to dance?"       

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