Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Were You There??? Memories of the Honkies & Dirty Dozen - City Limits Dec 26, 2008

A welcoming impression...great location, lots of parking, lots of lights, lots of activity...

Hope & Rebecca mug it up....

Gregory Davis---Trumpet

Gregory Davis---Trumpet

Efrem Towns--- Trumpet & Flugel Horn

Kevin Harris - Tenor Sax

Roger Lewis--- Baritone Sax

Terence Higgins - Drums

Terence Higgins - Drums

Roger Lewis

Whistling Prof. Longhair like you never it heard it before!

Mike "Ernie" Burney , Phil Ori, Rebecca Dawkins and Tim O'Donnell

All of our friends showed up!

Leo does quality control inspection at the bar...



Well, you got the musicians making the music, but these guys are necessary part of the evening, too!

There was plenty of room of stage, so why not invite some friends up to party, too?

Piano Bob, all the way up from Miami for the show! Hi Bob!

As we have said before... you can always judge the quality of the music on stage
by the quality of the audience! Gino & Mark like it!

Can you say "fun"?

You just never know who is going to grab a horn and lend a note or two! Hi Jeff!

Honkies at work.

Rebecca Dawkins

Tim O'Donnell playing and signing the lead...

Enid is here, too!

Three Honkies, all in a row...


Mike "Ernie" Burney

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