Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Were You There??? Memories of FIRE ROCK BE JAMMIN'! Jazz at the ROCK Dec 22, 2008

Young and old.
Players and listeners.
Pros and newbies.
All sorts are welcomed in the world of jazz...
... and the conversation is universal - music.

How about THIS for a view out the windows of your favorite jazz pizza restaurant?

This is the building you look for when you are driving on Flagler
on the way to the jam next week...

Not bad, even by South Florida standards!

This is right on the corner of Flagler and Clematis (directly north of the library)

Mark Marineau and Susan Merritt's hand as seen through the window looking in!

ART shot....

Susan Merritt peeking out over the crowd....

Kevin Wild graces the audience with a nice trumpet piece...

Jack leaves the scene of Foggy London Town...

Lynne Simone does a couple numbers with the trio..

Music surrounds us!

Mark backs up Jim on the sax, for a crowd pleasing piece.

Young guns in the wings...

We think this is Jim's first visit to the jam, but he is certainly welcome back anytime!

Jane, Scot (one of the top-notch servers at the Fire Rock) and Jim take a quick pose...
and invite you to join them next week on Sunday!

Another artist waiting in the wings, and pondering the performance whilst waiting!

Look who we see! Mr. Sessa is in town enjoying the sound!

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