Wednesday, February 20, 2013

boys night out...boys of all ages, tied together by good music, and Al leads the pack...

Submitted by Al Kanovsky 2/20/13

My Tuesday evening started out with a spicy Bloody Mary and a bowl full of "steamers".  Where was that at, you might ask? Boston's on the Beach in Delray Beach. Both items were very good but I didn't come for the comestibles. I came for the BLUES and I got 'em, in full measure from the long-running Blue Tuesday. I also got warm camaraderie from Jim(my favorite photographer), Charlie Boyer(on-line magazine publisher---this one) his "buds" Frank and Tommy. Frank toured the world for 35 years as a sound engineer for all of the headline bands of the era. That's the kind of job that's a dream. Travel to great cities, listen to incredible music and get paid. Can I fill out an application? The band was not local (Chicago-based and touring) and I had never listened to them before - The Joe Moss Band. Joe Moss(leader, guitar/vocals), Greg Sefner(Hammond XK3 organ), Ari Sedar(bass) and Dana Thompson(drums), played the BLUES. I should put "played" in caps because that's what this band did. PLAYED the BLUES. Straight ahead and passionate. They had folks, old and young up and dancing and had me clappin', tappin' and chair dancing until past midnight. Joe sang them all. The fun ones, the sad ones, the ones about don't leave me and the ones about being glad when you're gone. Like I said before, the BLUES. Famous Frank and Dan Lombardi sat in for a couple of tunes each toward the end of the last set. Took the opportunity to speak with Greg about the big box that you see when there's a B3 organ in the house. It is called a Leslie speaker and it also hooks up to the later model Hammonds. It's what gives the organs that full, rich sound. I hope Boston's has this band back and soon. 

I got the news today that Paladar (at Gulfstream Park) is continuing a music program Thursday at cocktail hour. This afternoon I will be at MJC's JAZZ in the Gables to hear Andy Harlow and some Latin JAZZ. If you plan on going to either one(or both) bring your dancing shoes. I will.  Hope these "old", and I mean OLD, bones are up to the task. No young chicks (under 40), please. 

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