Saturday, January 26, 2013

the music and I go round... and round and round and round and comes out Al's ears...

Submitted by Al Kanovsky 1/26/13

" The Music(and I) Goes Round and Round and It Comes Out"---all over town. I started here, then I went there, from there I went there and then I went somewhere else and finally ended up back here. I'm old enough to remember that on certain Wednesdays during the month gas was "10 for a buck". Currently you use a buck’s worth just starting you car. But, when seeking out good live music money is only a minor deterrent. My first stop was BJB's in Ft. Lauderdale in order to hear Lourdes Valentin. When I was planning my route and decided Lourdes would have to be the first stop a very old (1933) song title came to mind. "Did You Ever See A Dream Walking" from the movie Sitting Pretty and recorded by Bing Crosby on Gramophone. I realized it was in anticipation of seeing Ms. Valentin---this is not a love letter---She is far too young and beautiful for an old Dog like me(I). I was only able to catch her last 4 songs due to an extended afternoon nap. That is something that folks who can remember songs from 1933 do a lot, nap I mean. From BJB's I headed south to a destination I was asked not to mention to hear a musician who's name I was asked not to mention. I got there in time to listen to the second set where this-still to remain unmentioned---JAZZ musician played keys, sax and sang. I had a very good glass of Pinot Grigio and a tasty Eggplant Parmesan, The piano, sax, wine and food were all fine. I strongly recommend that this unnamed musician, although others think otherwise, not sing. Back in the short(an old hipster term for car) I head back to Mango's on Las Olas. Martin Hand(guitar/vocals) is holding down the fort along with Nicky Orta(bass), Jon Rose(keys) and Jeff Renza(drums). It wasn't BLUES and it wasn't JAZZ. It was entertaining and fun. From "Under The Boardwalk" to the Beatles "Come Together". From "Mustang Sally" to Bob Marley like reggae. Easy to listen and dance to and the audience did. The music at Mango's starts at 9:30 and goes on 'til after midnight. The establishment is laid out like a good place to "hang" should be. Two large rooms, one dedicated to dining and the other for enjoying an evening of music and dance. Good sized dance floor, 2 bars, booths, tables, a few hi-tops and friendly patrons. I really enjoyed myself, stayed up way too late and will probably take another long nap this afternoon----See ya    

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Al,
    You do get around for an old Dog as you say. Glad to hear Mangos has Nicky Orta and Jeff back again, Yes they are so much fun to listen to.Lourdes is such an angel. Are you going out every night ? My goodness. Keep taking the naps.
    what vitamins are you taking my friend.Smiles
    Love and Music Barbara Van
