Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tough choices - Al makes 'em

Submitted by Al Kanovsky, 10/23/12

Monday night was one of those nights when an important decision had to be made. There were three options, actually four. 1. The DEBATE on TV. 2. Chicago vs. Detroit on TV. 3. Martin Hand, Live at BJB's, 4. go to bed at 8PM(actually not an option). I will lay 9 to 5 that you do know which choice I made. You should know me by now. Martin Hand, of course. Martin was one of the first JAZZ musicians I had listened to when I came to FL 6 years ago. It was at Mrs. Murphy's on Commercial, with a band named JAZZberry Patch. Sadly it is no longer a JAZZ venue.

Martin fronted the trio of himself(guitar), Cecelia Roy(piano/vocals) and Dave Wilkinson(bass). Describing them in one word is not difficult--TASTY!! Swinging? Yeah. Creative? Yeah. Fresh? Yeah. But overall, TASTY. Martin Hand is a dedicated JAZZ artist and it is illustrated in every riff he plays. Ms. Roy can play and sing as well. Dave is a toe tappin' bassist who keeps everything jumping. They were joined, in the second set, by Gary DiCosta(guitar) of the venerable DiCosta JAZZ family. Cecelia moved away from the piano to the mic to do a BLUES tune. Harp in hand she did herself proud, both vocalizing and playing that little "thang". The audience was enthusiastic but unfortunately small. The ones who stayed home, opting for one of those other three choices, missed a really TASTY evening of JAZZ at its best. Politics, sports, sleep---I'd rather keep tappin' my toes & clappin' my hands. 

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Posted by Jazz & Blues Florida
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