Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Jeffrey S. Willey of the Smokin' Torps checks in on the state of the blues in Florida

The Torp Report
Blues Entertainment News
Hey Blues Fans!

For anyone that missed the recent OBBS membership & CD release event you truly missed one of the best blues bands in all of the state of Florida.  Doug Deming & the Jewel Tones w/ Madison Slim simply tore it up! 

The economy must truly suck based on the low turn out at this and many other blues events.  Hate to say it, but traditional live blues perfromance is quickly becoming something of the past in central Florida and as part time promotor it's next to impossible to put a positive spin on "things" and even more difficult to put together a profitable or break even business plan for producing such events.  Simply put...I'm retiring from the blues promotion business for a while and concentrating more on performing.  Please go out and support Zaida her Zshowz efforts as she's bringing some great shows to town.

Speaking of performing...

Friday night brings the Torps back to McCall's Tavern at the Villages in Lady Lake right in the same building as the bowling alley.  One of my personal favorite venues which always turns out to be a great time.  Steve Holt will be playing baritone & tenor saxophone.

Keep checking our website for more info.

That's all for now, but remember to get up off the couch and go out and support some live blues music!

Blues Regards,

The Smokin' Torpedoes

~ ~ ~
Posted by Jazz & Blues Florida
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1 comment:

  1. Just after reposting this note from Jeffrey I received an email reply to an ad placement pitch from a music festival that boasts 7,000 attedance with tix ranging from $80 to $450 stating that they have no budget for promotion. Everything seems to be messed up! I don't get it.
