Thursday, April 11, 2013

J.B. Scott Swingin’ All-Stars Jazz Band to Perform in Boca Raton April 18, 2013

2012-13 Concert Season Finale
for the 

April 18, 2013
Spanish River Performing Arts Center
2400 Yamato RoadBoca RatonFL 33431
(Southeast corner of Yamato Road
and St. Andrews Blvd.)
J. B. Scott, his trumpet and Swingin' All-Star sidemen join us in a return engagement. Lisa Kelly, offers outstanding vocals. Dave Steinmeyer, trombone, Jim Snyder, clarinet, Ken Calhoun, guitar & banjo, Jay Mueller, bass and Steve Salo, drums all combine to provide a great evening's entertainment. 

Tickets available at:

For more information, call:  (561) 499-9976

1 comment :

  1. And, don't forget, on April 12:
    2nd Annual Palm Beach County Middle and High School Battle of the Bands Finals
    7 P.M. April 12, 2013 at Spanish River Church, Yamato Rd. and St. Andrews Blvd., Boca Raton, FL.
    Public Invited, Admission Free.

    Christa McAullife vs. Don Estridge High Tech

    Park Vista vs. Olympic Heights
